Ne Peqin u realizua nje takim me grate dhe vajzat ku u diskutua mbi te drejtat e tyre ligjore

19 Tetor, 2022by 1
Ne Peqin u realizua nje takim me grate dhe vajzat ku u diskutua mbi te drejtat e tyre ligjore.
Avokatja e Forumit te Gruas Elbasan u shpjegoi ne detaje te drejtat dhe detyrimet ligjore, gjithashtu i’u pergjigj pyetjeve te bera gjate takimit nga pjesemarreset.
Ky aktivitet zhvillohet ne kuader te programit rajonal ” Zbatojme standartet, Ndryshojme Mendesite” te financuar nga Komisioni Europian dhe zbatuar me mbeshtetjen e Un Women.
A meeting was held in Peqin with women and girls where their legal rights were discussed. The lawyer of the Woman Forum Elbasan explained in detail the legal rights and obligations and answered the questions asked by the participants during the meeting.
This activity takes place within the framework of the regional program “Implementing norms, changing minds” financed by the European Commission and implemented with the support of Un Women.